This article describes the concept of caring for bliss and provides initial data on the development and validation of the Caring for Bliss Scale (CBS). Caring for bliss is defined as the cultivation of inner joy or genuine happiness based on a peaceful state of mind and a compassionate heart. It entails practices designed to generate feelings of happiness in the here and now, search for lasting happiness inside oneself, appreciate what one has, and follow the deepest desires of one’s heart.
Data from two studies (n = 205 and n = 692) of young adults were used.
Confirmatory factor analysis showed evidence for a unidimensional factor structure of the CBS. In addition, hierarchical regression analysis revealed that caring for bliss accounted for unique variance in aspects of subjective and psychological well-being, above and beyond mindfulness and self-compassion.
Caring for bliss is a new concept that can be reliably measured by four items, which explain unique variance in people’s well-being.