This chapter sets out the essential elements of history-taking, physical examination and diagnostic tests during pregnancy and the postnatal period. The aim of a prenatal check-up is to detect any health risks that could be due to the pregnancy or that present a threat to it in good time. A vital part of care for a pregnant woman is history-taking: this provides the basis for a risk assessment and enables information to be provided to the mother about the impact of the pregnancy on her condition and vice versa. The physical examination and diagnostic tests (including ultrasound, cardiotocography and prenatal diagnosis) also provide information on the development and condition of the foetus. The main points to consider in the case of a post-natal woman are set out at the end of the chapter. Some common complications that can occur during pregnancy and the postnatal period that can potentially have an adverse impact on the health of the mother and/or child are discussed in relation to findings from physical examination.