Although negotiation is generally considered an adaptive means for adolescents to express disagreement in the parent-child relationship, previous research on the correlates of adolescents’ negotiation has reported rather mixed results. This may be because parents do not always positively appraise and respond to adolescents’ negotiation. The key aim of the present study was to better understand variability in mothers’ appraisals and responses to adolescents’ negotiation attempts. This was done by examining whether their appraisals and responses vary as a function of adolescents’ negotiation style, social domain, and mothers’ personal characteristics (i.e., authoritarian beliefs and their own history of being parented). A total of 476 mothers of 9th and 10th grade adolescents in Belgium (Mage mothers = 44.93 years old, SD = 4.07; Mage adolescents = 14.88, SD = 0.75, 51.7% boys) participated in a vignette-based experimental study. Mothers completed questionnaires assessing authoritarian beliefs and their own history of being parented, and read a vignette-based scenario depicting an adolescent’s negotiation attempt. Using a between-person 2 × 2 design, adolescents’ negotiation style (autonomy-supportive versus controlling) and social domain (personal versus multifaceted) were experimentally manipulated. Mothers were more likely to positively appraise and respond in more constructive ways if adolescents adopted an autonomy-supportive instead of a controlling negotiation style, and when the situation involved a personal rather than a multifaceted issue. Mothers with high authoritarian beliefs and those with a history of being parented in a psychologically controlling way, had a more negative attitude towards adolescents’ negotiation. Overall, the results suggest that the success of adolescents’ negotiation depends on how, about what, and with whom they negotiate.