Adolescents’ awareness of societal inequality has been linked to higher civic engagement. This study expands prior research by testing whether awareness of inequality differentially motivates prosocial and political forms of civic engagement, whether adults’ modeling of civic agency moderates links between awareness of inequality and civic engagement, and whether associations differ by race/ethnicity. Longitudinal data came from 3208 youth (Mage = 14.1, Range = 7–20, 56.1% female, 39.7% White, 38.4% Latinx, 12.3% Black, and 6.9% Asian). Across racial/ethnic groups, awareness of societal inequality predicted increased political behaviors and beliefs 2 years later. Adults’ modeling of civic agency predicted certain forms of civic engagement but did not moderate links. The findings advance theory and research on the motivating role of awareness of inequality for political beliefs and actions.