Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition of heterogeneous origin and phenotypic expression of social communication and interaction difficulties along with repetitive, restricted behaviors (American Psychiatric Association,
2013). The diversity of individual presentation with autism symptoms can pose diagnostic and intervention challenges (Jeste & Gschwind,
2014). ASD diagnosis is exclusively behaviorally-defined, making the “best clinical judgment of experienced clinicians” the diagnostic gold standard (Volkmar et al.,
2014; National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (UK),
2012). However, even for experienced clinicians a multidisciplinary, consensus-based diagnostic assessment including standardized instruments is recommended and improves the accuracy of ASD diagnosis (Guthrie et al.,
2013; Kim & Lord,
2012). In this context the autism diagnostic observation schedule 2nd edition (ADOS-2; Lord et al.,
2012) is considered the “gold-standard”, allowing clinician led observation and evaluation of ASD defining symptoms in the course of structured playful and interview-based interactions. The ADOS-2 is composed of five modules: the Toddler Module for children aged 12–30 months without phrase speech, Module 1 (M1) for children aged > 30 months who do not show phrase speech, Module 2 (M2) for children with phrase speech who are not verbally fluent, Module 3 (M3) for children and young adolescents with fluent language, and Module 4 (M4) for older adolescents and adults with fluent language.
Studies have reported satisfactory to excellent diagnostic validity of the ADOS in different settings (Bölte & Poustka,
2004; de Bildt et al.,
2009; Gotham et al.,
2008; Zander et al.,
2015). Sensitivity and specificity of the ADOS vary across clinical and research settings as a result of differences in examiner skills and testee related factors (Gotham et al.,
2007). The psychometric properties of the ADOS-2 are less well established in adult autistic populations, for autistic adults with psychiatric comorbidities, for children with various comorbid neurodevelopmental disorders and for individuals with high cognitive abilities or camouflaging strategies (Maddox et al.,
2017; Morrier et al.,
2017; Tillmann et al.,
2018; Zander et al.,
A particular research gap regarding the properties of the ADOS-2 and ASD assessment more generally exists for individuals with intellectual disability (ID) and/or sensory impairments (Molinaro et al.,
2020; Sappok et al.,
2013; Thurm et al.,
ID is present in about 30% of children with ASD (Baio et al.,
2018; Polyak et al.,
2015) and among these children additional challenges such as sensory impairments and minimal verbal abilities might be present that complicate assessment (Molinaro et al.,
2020; Szymanski et al.,
2012). Still, diagnostic and intervention research of autism in minimally verbal individuals and those with sensory impairment is limited (Russell et al.,
2019; Stedman et al.,
2019). The latter is unfortunate, as inadequate or delayed identification of ASD in individuals with ID can lead to inappropriate provision of care and late access to community services with a negative impact on independence development (Baron-Cohen et al.,
Impacting on the differential diagnosis and comorbidity assessment of ASD and ID and the accuracy of standardized diagnostic tools such as the ADOS-2, impairments in social functioning are part not only of the diagnostic operationalization of ASD but also ID, with social challenges increasing correlating with the severity of ID. According to DSM-5, the extent of social challenges must exceed those expected owing to level of ID to qualify as symptoms of ASD. However, the DSM-5 provides no further instructions about how or when ID may or may not explain symptoms of ASD.
The ADOS has several limitations when used with adults with ID; for instance, materials and activities may appear inappropriate for adults. For adults with ID, choosing an ADOS module based on verbal ability alone may not be suitable (Gotham et al.,
2007). Therefore, some adaptations of the ADOS for use with individuals with ID have been suggested (Bal et al.,
2020; Berument et al.,
2005; Sappok et al.,
2013). Bal et al. describe an adapted ADOS Module 1 (A-ADOS-M1) and Module 2 (A-ADOS-M2), designed for use with minimally verbal adolescents and adults retaining the original spirit of ADOS-2, but including new developmentally appropriate materials and tasks (Bal et al.,
2020). The A-ADOS shows comparable sensitivity but improved specificity compared to ADOS-2 Modules 1 and 2.
Other less well established scales have been developed to assess ASD in minimally verbal adolescents and adults, such as the Music-Based Scale for Autism Diagnostics (MUSAD) (Bergmann et al.,
2019), and interview-based screening measures like the Scale of Pervasive Developmental Disorder in Mentally Retarded Persons (PDD-MRS) (Kraijer & de Bildt,
2005). However, individuals with ID are likely not only to have limited verbal abilities but multiple disabilities such as additional sensory impairments affecting vision and hearing and other neurological conditions like epilepsy and complex movement disorders including dysarthria and apraxia of speech, all possibly affecting social communication. A particularly challenging group are individuals with hearing loss and associated communicative and social deprivation (Shefer et al.,
2014). In order to consider a diagnosis of ASD in addition to ID and other disabilities to be meaningful in these cases, social communication and interaction challenges in this context need to be unexpected or significantly more impairing than expected in consequence of the individual’s developmental profile and general functional abilities. To enable a guided decision on the coexistence of ASD, clinicians need to collect and integrate all available information on the individual’s developmental history.
Evidence suggests that individuals with sensory impairments are at increased ASD risk (Hoevenaars-van den Boom et al.,
2009; Rydzewska et al.,
2019). For blind individuals, restricted symbolic play, increased stereotyped behaviours, difficulties in social interaction with peers and imitation and echolalic speech have been recurrently reported (Carvill,
2001; Rogers & Puchalski,
1986; Minter et al.,
1991). These behaviors, referred to as “blindisms”, are to some extent explainable in the context of visual impairment (Andrews & Wyver,
2005) and are at the same time reminiscent of of ASD.
Comparable to visually impaired individuals, higher rates of autism have been reported in children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) compared to their typically developing peers (Jure et al.,
1991; Rosenhall et al.,
1999; Szymanski et al.,
2012). Mood and Shield (
2014) investigated the clinical use of the ADOS-2 on eight DHH children who were primarily exposed to American Sign Language from birth and had been diagnosed with ASD previously. They concluded that although many of the core symptoms of ASD can be identified via clinical administration of the ADOS-2, the use of the instrument’s diagnostic algorithms to be inappropriate for this population. Individuals with early hearing loss are generally known to be at risk for additional disabilities. Approximately 40% of DHH children show additional disabilities, such as ID, ASD, visual disability and motor disorders (Cupples et al.,
2018; Gallaudet Research Institute,
2011). This high rate is attributable especially to syndromic hearing loss or to medical conditions leading to multiple neurological impairments that include hearing loss (Kalatzis & Petit,
1998; Jure et al.,
1991). The higher rates of ASD in individuals who are DHH are associated with higher rates of ID in this population in general (Gallaudet Research Institute,
2011: 9%; van Naarden et al.,
2015: 23%; Holzinger et al.,
2016: 13%). Moreover, it is the level of cognitive impairment and not the degree of hearing loss that is associated with ASD severity (Jure et al.,
1991). For non-syndromic hearing loss (about 60% of congenital hearing loss) the genetic basis is identified for up to 70% of the cases (Satterfield-Nash et al.,
2020) and does not show any overlap with the far more complex polygenetic architecture of ASD, making it difficult to suggest that deafness increases the risk for autism in general (Szymanski et al.,
2012). Sensory deprivation per se as causal for ASD is considered refuted (Zafeiriou et al.,
2007). It is also well known that it is not hearing loss itself but the possibly associated communicative deprivation that is associated with disruptive behavior, attention difficulties, problems with social cognition and socialization as well as stereotypical behaviors (Donno et al.,
2010; Fellinger et al.,
2012; Im-Bolter et al.,
2006; Stevenson et al.,
2010). Behaviors due to communication deprivation possibly in combination with aversive childhood experiences (bullying, mobbing, disturbed parent–child interactions) may at first sight resemble ASD symptoms and thus lead to and an overestimation of autism. On the other hand, autistic symptoms may be interpreted as typical characteristics associated with deafness, ID and deprivation leading to underdiagnosis of autism.
Despite the interest in measuring ASD symptoms in this group, existing standardized measures of ASD symptoms, foremost the ADOS-2 and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised in their current form, are considered as inappropriate for individuals with sensory impairments (Lord et al.,
2012; Risi et al.,
2006; Rutter et al.,
Therefore, the objective of this study was to (a) to describe adaptations of the ADOS-2 for the assessment of DHH adults with ID and (b) to investigate the feasibility and reliability of this adapted measure by administering it in a complete sample of deaf adults with ID living in three therapeutic communities.
Adaptation of the ADOS-2
We sought to adapt the ADOS-2 (M1, M2, M3) for use with DHH adults with ID with signed language as their primary or only mode of communication including those with minimal language skills. The
overarching goal of the adaptation process was to retain the original character of the ADOS-2 that provides structured tasks to observe social communication and interaction, play and repetitive behaviors (Lord et al.,
2012) using different levels of stimulations or prompts. Nevertheless, the adapted version should be appealing to adults so that cooperation and social interaction are encouraged in a more age-appropriate fashion. The necessary adaptations concern module selection, modifications of setting, tasks and materials to make the procedures appropriate for adults with visual-manual communication as well as scoring modifications.
According to the manual’s guidelines,
module selection is based on age and the level of expressive spoken language as outlined above. There is good evidence (e.g. Newport & Meier,
1985) that structural and functional milestones of sign language acquisition are very similar to those of spoken languages (e.g. age at appearance of first signs/words, combinations of signs/words, independent and complex clauses). Therefore, module selection was based on the complexity of the primary communication system, that for most profoundly deaf adults with ID is signed rather than spoken language. We administered M1 in individuals who did not use productive combinations of three signs including verbs. M2 was used in our study with participants who demonstrated combinations of at least three signs. M3 was administered if individuals demonstrated fluency in signed language by use of a variety and combinations of clauses to express communicative functions exceeding the “here and now” of the communication situation without necessarily demonstrating complete morpho-syntactic command.
Assessment Setting
Caregivers or parents were not required to be present during the administration of the ADOS-2 in the adapted version. When caregivers accompanied the testee, they were seated next to him/her to allow for visual communication in order to contribute to his/her sense of security. However, as in the standard ADOOS-2, caregivers were asked not to interfere with the interactions between the examiner and the subjects. The presence of caregivers familiar with the subject’s expressive communication can be helpful for interpreting idiosyncratic signs or gestures for the examiners. All the activities were conducted sitting at a table so that the subjects feel as safe and comfortable as possible.
In the adaptation, materials from ADOS-2 M3 were considered to be more appropriate for adults and therefore used in the “free play” task of M1 and M2 as well as in the “response to joint attention” task of M1 (Sappok et al.,
2013), in addition to the materials from M1 and M2. Subjects were invited to choose materials according to their own preference. Likewise, picture books and pictures from M3 were offered in addition to the original materials of M1 and M2. Instead of the bubble gun duck, a regular wand was used to produce blowing bubbles as in our experience a bubble gun frequently causes a strong object relatedness with an impulse to manipulate the gun itself.
Additional adaptations of materials as suggested by Berument et al. (
2005) had been used in in clinical practice preceding the study and not been found to be more acceptable to adults with deafness and ID as compared to the materials from M3. Therefore, they were only offered to the participants during the break. The A-ADOS module set for the assessment of minimally verbal adolescents and adults suggested by Bal et al. (
2020) was not published at the time point this study started.
Adaptations to Visual-Manual Communication
The administration of our adapted ADOS-2—particularly for M3—required high expressive and receptive sign language skills by the examiners and the ability to adapt visual communication to the communication level of the interlocutor (e.g. by adjusting the speed of communication, producing signs within the interlocutor’s line of sight, heightened use of body language, use of iconic signs and gestures). In addition, adaptation to the subjects’ primary signed communication system was necessary. Whenever any form of simultaneous communication (signing and speaking) was preferred by an individual, the examiner was required to adjust his/her communication mode. Since simultaneous exploration of objects or pictures and reception of signed language is not possible, the examiner had to be careful to allow for sufficient time for subjects to switch their attention between them and other topics of interest. During role plays with figures, the examiner had to ask for comments before or after a play action and offer support in holding the figures so that the individual could comment on what he/she was doing by use of manual communication.
Modification of Activities
Response to Name (M1): The target group was composed of adults most of whom had a severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss. As a consequence, a response to their name presented verbally was not possible. On the other hand, it is not appropriate in Deaf culture to attain somebody’s attention by use of a name sign. Replacing the item by culturally accepted norms of attention getting (such as waving within an individual’s line of sight, tapping on the shoulder) was not considered to be comparable to the more specific response to one’s own name. Therefore, and as the item is not included in the diagnostic algorithm, “response to name” was deleted from the list of activities without replacement.
Joint Attention (M1, M2): During initial presses the sign LOOK followed by a head turn to the object of interest was presented in a neutral position without use of a directional element integrated into the sign. As a second step, the sign LOOK directed to the object—and thus fulfilling a similar function to a pointing gesture—was used and followed by a point.
Demonstration Task (M2): Evidently, a demonstration of an everyday routine by use of gestures (and facial expression) and the simultaneous explanation in a manual language is not possible. As the main objective of this task was the demonstration of routines by gestures and the use of gestures to represent objects the task was still performed. To help the subject understand the task and to avoid a narrative in sign language—with many signs being iconic in nature—the signs SHOW-me/THEATER/PANTOMIME was used in addition to drawing the contours of objects on the table and referring to the table as the bathroom. As a further prompt the imaginary toothbrush or towel was handed over to the subject followed by the request YOU and followed by SHOW-me/THEATER/PANTOMIME if necessary.
Functional Symbolic Imitation (M1, M2): The objects were named by signs (FROG, CAR, FLOWER, AIRPLANE, CUP). In national sign languages, some of the signs may represent the actions performed by or with them (e.g. AIRPLANE a Y-Handshape in a forward flying motion is used or the sign for CUP is produced by a hand movement toward the mouth with the index finger on the thumb as if holding a cup). Since labelling of the action to be performed with the objects should be avoided, the examiner took care to simply label the objects and not to label the actions (e.g. FLYING, DRINKING from a cup) by modifying the movement and/or simultaneous facial expression.
Scoring Modifications
Overall level on Non-Echoed Spoken Language (M1, M2, M3): Complexity of expressive signed language rather than spoken language during the administration of the ADOS was scored. Spontaneous use of words was replaced by use of signs. Phrase speech referred to the use of three of more signs per utterance. Mostly correct use of sentences including complex sentences included a good command of sign language grammar (syntax, use of grammatical space, use of classifiers, combinations of clauses).
Frequency of Spontaneous Vocalizations Directed Towards Others (M2): Scored as frequency of spontaneous signing/gesturing and vocalizations directed towards others.
Intonation of Vocalizations or Verbalizations (M1, Speech Abnormalities associated with Autism (M2,M3): Interpreted with regard to visual intonation in sign language (Dachkovsky & Sandler,
2009), abnormal size or location of signs (e.g. in periphery of usual signing space) and fluency of signing.
Echolalia (M1, M2, M3): Scored as exact repetition of the examiner’s signs or sign phrases.
Idiosyncratic/Stereotyped language (M1, M2, M3): In addition to highly repetitive signed phrases with consistent intonation patterns, signed neologisms and unusual palm orientations as well as use of pronouns were scored.
Gestures/ Descriptive, Conventional, Instrumental or Informative gestures (M1, M2, M3): Gestures describing the shape or manipulation of an object were scored here even though they might include Sign language classifiers (handshapes referring to classes of objects). The exclusive use of conventional signs containing classifiers was not counted as descriptive gesture.
Facial Expression Directed Towards Others (M1, M2, M3): As sign language uses facial expressions for lexical as well as grammatical functions (e.g. negations, questions) only facial expressions that communicate affect were scored.
Response to name (M1, M2): This item was deleted without replacement (see above).
Additional Measures
Cognitive Assessment
Nonverbal intelligence was measured by the SON-R 2 ½-7 (Tellegen & Laros,
2007) or the SON-R 6-40 (Tellegen et al.,
2012). Since the SON-R 2 ½-7 had to be used for clients who were not able to accomplish the simplest tasks of the SON-R 6-40. Therefore, age of reference was used as measure for nonverbal cognition in the following.
Three dimensions of
feasibility (Bowen et al.,
2009) were distinguished. Acceptability, i.e. the reaction of the involved individuals to the assessment was measured by the rate of those undergoing the full procedure. In addition, the ADOS-2 rapport scorings were compared to those of the original ADOS-2. Practicality was operationalized by the extent to which it was possible to administer the adapted ADOS within the regulatory time constraints of clinical examinations. Adaptation refers to the degree to which materials, activities, communication during the assessment and scoring had to be modified to appropriately administer the ADOS.
Participants and Study Setting
All participants were recruited from three therapeutic living communities specialized for DHH adults with intellectual and multiple disabilities. The communities ensure access to communication by providing visual communication (mainly signed language) in the working and living environments. About one quarter of the staff is deaf. The sensitive milieu therapy approach focuses on the enhancement of social communication skills throughout the day. Staff is continually trained in responsive interaction and strategies to facilitate the residents’ active participation in a rich variety of everyday social interactions.
After exclusion of those with (i) a nonverbal IQ above 80, (ii) a less than moderate degree of hearing loss and (iii) a dual sensory impairment (deafblindness), 56 individuals and their respective legal guardians (if applicable) were invited to participate in the study. All of them gave their consent. The study was approved by the Ethics commission “Barmherzige Schwestern und Barmherzige Brüder” (EKB 14/18; 14.01.2019).
The sample had a mean age of 44.6 years (range 17 to 75, SD = 18.7) and a majority was male (65%). The level of intellectual functioning varied. However, a majority had a cognitive level of functioning above an age of reference (AOR) of 6 years (74%). A group of 9 participants with a nonverbal IQ below average (70–80) was included. The remaining subsample of those with cognitive AOR below 6 years was small (n = 6). The degree of hearing loss was severe or profound for all of the participants except one. Additional sample characteristics are provided in Table
Table 1
Participant characteristics
Age M (SD) | 41.25 (19.91) | 37.00 (18.52) | 49.00 (17.48) |
Sex male n (%) | 4 (50.0) | 14 (87.5) | 19 (59.4) |
Cognitve functioning AOR M (SD) | 3.28 (1.58) | 4.80 (1.39) | 8.48 (9.72) |
AOR > 9 < years (IQ71-80) | 0 (0.0) | 3 (18.8) | 6 (18.8) |
AOR 6-9years | 5 (62.5) | 10 (62.5) | 26 (81.3) |
AOT 3-6years | 2 (25.0) | 3 (18.8) | 0 (0.0) |
AOR > 3years | 1 (12.5) | 0 (0.0) | 0 (0.0) |
Hearing loss n (%) | | | |
Moderate | 0 (0.0) | 0 (0.0) | 1 (3.1) |
Severe | 0 (0.0) | 1 (6.3) | 5 (15.6) |
Profound | 8 (100.0) | 15 (93.8) | 26 (81.3) |
Cerebral palsy n (%) | 4 (50.0) | 2 (14.3) | 7 (21.9) |
Epilepsy n (%)a | 5 (62.5) | 6 (42.9) | 4 (12.5) |
Psychiatric diagnosis n (%) | 1 (12.5) | 3 (21.4) | 10 (32.3) |
M1 was administered with 8 (few to no words (FNW): n = 5; some words (SW): n = 3), M2 with 16 and M3 with 32 participants. As expected in a sample of adults with a variety of mental ages mean, nonverbal cognitive AOR was significantly associated with the selected module (Non-parametric One-way ANOVA: χ2(2) = 25.2, p < 0.001), with the lowest scores in M1 and the highest in M3. Moreover, epilepsy was more prevalent in M1, especially compared to M3.
The adapted ADOS for DHH individuals with ID was applied as part of a research project evaluating two autism screening instruments in this special population (Hofer et al.,
2021). All the 56 residents of the ‘Lebenswelt’ living community who met the inclusion criteria were assessed regardless of the screening results. The clinical examiners performing the adapted ADOS-2 were blinded for the screening results. Both of them, a clinical linguist (first author) and a neurologist and neuropediatrician (last author), are highly experienced in the field of hearing loss and ASD. They have been trained in the administration of the ADOS-2 and are fluent in Austrian Sign Language. The majority of assessments were performed in the developmental medicine outpatient clinic of the Hospital of St. John of God Linz. About one third of the participants were visited and assessed in their place of residence in a distraction-free room of the group home. Most of the participants were already known to at least one of the examiners. A caregiver from their therapeutic community was present in the room when examinations were conducted at the hospital. The two examiners performed all the assessments together with one of them directly interacting with the subject and the other in an observing role. Both examiners took notes during administration and independently scored the adapted ADOS-2 behavioral codes immediately afterwards. Finally, the two examiners arrived at a consensus opinion regarding clinical DSM-5 diagnoses (American Psychiatric Association,
2013) based on the ADOS-2 results and on comprehensive available data including information on cognitive and adaptive skills, informal observations of language and communication skills and on each subjects’ life history. Thus, diagnoses were not made independently of the adapted ADOS-2 results.
Statistical Analysis
We conducted reliability analyses, focusing on both internal consistency and interrater reliability. To judge internal consistency, we estimated Cronbach’s Alpha and item-total (domain) correlations (i.e. the correlation of a single item with the domain score after exclusion of the item) separately for both raters. We conducted interrater-reliability analyses on item level, domain level (for the SA and RRB scores) and for the diagnosis derived from the total scores. On item level we estimated weighted kappa. On domain level, we computed the intraclass correlation (ICC) for absolute agreement between two raters based on a two-way mixed model (Gisev et al,
2013; Koo & Li,
2016). To judge interrater reliability for the diagnosis, we used kappa. Interrater reliabilities were graded as follows: (1) kappa (see Gisev et al.,
2013), 0.00–0.20 = slight, 0.21–0.40 = fair, 0.41–60 = moderate, 0.61–0.80 = substantial and 0.81–1.00 = almost perfect. (2) ICC (see Koo & Li,
2016), < 0.50 = poor, 0.50–0.75 = moderate, 0.76–0.90 = good, > 0.90 = excellent. With regard to (diagnostic) validity, we computed correlations of items and domain scores with the final consensus diagnosis, and with other variables (verbal AOR, age) and estimated diagnostic accuracy statistics (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value). Interrater reliability analyses were conducted using the irr package in R (Gamer et al.,
2012). All other analyses were conducted using SPSS 26.
Modules 1, 2 and 3 of the ADOS-2 were developed to assess ASD symptoms in DHH adults with ID. Necessary adaptations—all to a limited extent—concerned selection of the appropriate module, requirements of visual communication, test materials, activities and scoring. Practicability of the measure, particularly acceptance by the participants and time-economic delivery was high. It was possible to fully assess almost all of the residents (98%) of three therapeutic housing communities for DHH adults with ID and to derive scores for both ADOS-2 categories of social affect and restricted and repetitive behaviors for all of them. The high acceptability demonstrates the appropriateness of the used materials. However, as the A-ADOS by Bal et al. (
2020) was published after the start of our study their proposed adaptations could not be integrated in our study design. Especially for ADOS-2 M1 the suggestions by Bal et al. could be a reasonable complement and their suggested materials could contribute to a longer implementation period.
Internal consistency was found to be excellent for the social affect domain of M2 and good for M3, whereas it was acceptable for restricted and repetitive behaviors of M2 and poor for M3. This finding does not seem to be specific to adult age, ID or deafness, as the internal consistency stated for the US standardization sample of the ADOS-2 is good for social affect and lower for the RRB scale (M1–M3: r = 0.51–0.66). For M1 the number of participants was too small to derive reliable results.
Correlations between individual items and the total domain score for M2 were at a minimum of r = 0.43 with the exception of one SA item (Gestures) and one RRB item (Unusual Sensory Interests). The finding of less atypicality in the use of gestures is most likely a characteristic of the DHH participants living in a community with consistent use of signed communication and a focus on the enhancement of manual communication. Similarly, we found less atypicality in the initiation of joint attention as compared to the ADOS-2 children’s norms. Again, initiation of joint attention -particularly by pointing—is essential in visual communication and a target of communication intervention in DHH individuals with ID. The low correlation of unusual sensory interests with other RRB items is unexpected. The very few incidents observed during the assessment might be a consequence of adult age and of interventions aiming for the reduction of socially inappropriate behaviors.
In M3, only two items (Gestures and Quality of Social Response) scored lower than 0.5 for the item-subdomain correlation. As with M2 we assume effects of the visual communication environment and of social interventions.
Good internal consistency for SA and lower internal consistency for RRB found in our sample of individual who are DHH have also been reported for samples of minimally verbal adolescents and adults (Bal et al.,
2020) and for children (Lord et al.,
Interrater reliability as measured by Kappa scores was substantial for most items and at least moderate for the remaining ones, except for the M3 item Quality of Social Response. The relatively low agreement between raters (65.6%) for Social Response maybe due to different perceptions of abnormality by the two raters based on different lengths of experience in the field. Since reduced quality of social response can also be considered a typical consequence of communicative and social deprivation associated with deafness rating can be challenging.
Within our clinical procedures it was not possible to evaluate performance of the adapted ADOS-2 independent from clinical decision making about the ASD diagnosis. Therefore, the high sensitivity and specificity scores can only be regarded as first indications of high performance of the adapted measure.
Even though the study was performed with all the residents of three therapeutic living communities fulfilling the inclusion criteria, the small size of the study, particularly for M1, is a limitation. However, the sample seems to be similar to other populations living in institutions for adults with ID in terms of age, sex and distribution of ID (e.g. Sappok et al.,
In conclusion, the current ADOS-2 adapted for adults who are DHH and have ID may close a gap in the measures for assessing symptoms of ASD in adults with ID and hearing loss who communicate primarily in the visual modality. The present study provides support for the feasibility of the adapted ADOS. Our results suggest that ASD symptoms can be reliably identified by administering the adapted ADOS. The used materials are original materials from ADOS-2 M1-3 and the scoring algorithms do not differ from the original ADOS-2 scoring. Since all activities in the adapted ADOS require flexible linguistic and nonverbal communication adaptation to the individual’s communication needs, excellent command of signed language (particularly for M3) and expertise in deafness, ID and ASD (not restricted to individuals with hearing loss) is deemed necessary for valid administration and interpretation. Despite of promising psychometric properties the adapted ADOS needs further validation in larger samples, in particular for M1. Since psychometric properties in many ways are similar to the ADOS-2 administered to children, the current adapted ADOS-2 may even be appropriate for use with children who are deaf and communicate in signed modality.
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