This study aimed to test whether a target identification task involving same and different judgments to assess the ability to differentiate between similar pre-exposed stimuli—i.e., perceptual learning—could actually be assessing two different cognitive processes. Specifically, the hypothesis was that while “different” trials might be truly assessing the ability to differentiate between the pre-exposed stimuli, “same” trials might be assessing the ability to recognize one of these stimuli as the target. To test this hypothesis, accuracy on judgments as well as reaction times and event-related potentials for same/different trials were recorded after concurrent pre-exposure to similar stimuli. If same/different trials were assessing cognitive processes with different time courses, distinct outcomes for such trials would be expected at the behavioral and neural level. Results showed that participants were very accurate both in same and different judgments, indicating that they were perfectly able to differentiate between the stimuli after their concurrent presentations. However, larger P3 latencies and slower reaction times for different trials than for same trials were found. These results seem to support the idea that cognitive processes activated in same and different trials are different due to their distinct time courses. The importance of these findings for the theoretical approaches to perceptual learning is discussed.