During the yearly conference of the Netherlands Association of Medical Education, which took place in Maastricht on 15–16 November 2012, the awards for the best PhD thesis, scientific paper, regular paper and poster were given. The award-winning abstracts and the abstracts that were nominated are presented in this section of Perspectives on Medical Education. The best PhD thesis will be presented separately in one of the forthcoming issues of PME. The awards were been made available by the publisher of PME, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum (Springer Media).
Clarifying students’ feedback-seeking behaviour in clinical clerkships
Bok GJ1, Teunissen PW2, Spruijt A1, Fokkema JPI3, van der Vleuten CPM2, van Beukelen P1, Jaarsma ADC4
1Faculty of Animal Medicine, Utrecht University, 2Maastricht University, 3Sint Lucas Andreas Hospital, VU University Medical Centre, 4Academic Medical Centre—University of Amsterdam
Teaching, testing and training of professional behaviour: what is the benefit?
Mak-van der Vossen M1, 2, Peerdeman S1, 3, Kleinveld A1, 4, Kusurkar R1
1VUmc School of Medical Sciences, Institute for Education and Training, 2Department of General Medicine and Elderly Care Medicine, VU University Medical Centre, 3Department of Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Centre, 4Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Centre
Is Facebook a suitable alternative for an electronic learning environment?
Doets M, van den Broek WW
Erasmus MC Desiderius School, Erasmus University Medical Center
Development of the serious game GeriatriX for interns in elderly care. Let’s play!
Lagro J1, Veugelers M2, Huijbregts-Verheyden F2, van Litsenburg A1, Olde Rikkert MGM1
1Department of Geriatric Medicine, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, 2Institute for (bio) Medical Education, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre
Computer-supported collaborative learning in the medical workplace: students’ experiences on formative peer feedback of a Critical Appraisal of a Topic paper
Koops WJM1, van der Vleuten CPM2, de Leng B2, Snoeckx L2
1Máxima Medisch Centrum, 2Maastricht University
Training supervisors in providing feedback: does it make sense?
Zanting A1, Witkowska-Stabel M2, Stegers-Jager K2, Visser B2, Jousma F2, Visser L3
1Ikazia Hospital Rotterdam, 2Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, 3St. Elisabeth Hospital, Tilburg
How do doctors collaborate according to one of their collaborative partners?
van der Lee N1, Westerman M1, Fokkema JPI1, van der Vleuten CPM2, Scherpbier AJ3, Scheele F4
1Department of Education, St. Lucas Andreas Hospital, Amsterdam, 2Department of Educational Development and Research, Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, 3Institute for Medical Education, Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, 4Department of Medical Education, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
How do physicians learn? The distribution of Kolb’s learning styles among physicians and their potential application in the design of continuing medical education (CME). A systematic review and meta-analysis
Ten Thije JJH1, van Stiphout F1, Westers P2, ter Braak EWMT1
1Department of Internal Medicine, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, 2Centre of Biostatistics, Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Utrecht
Evaluation by prediction instead of opinions: accurate, efficient and less susceptible for response bias*
Schönrock-Adema J1, Lubarsky S2, Chalk C2, Steinert ZY2, Cohen-Schotanus J1
1University Medical Centre Groningen, 2McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Evaluating a new profession in the Dutch healthcare system: physician assistants versus anaesthesiology residents in preoperative screening
Hettinga AM1, Tromp Meesters RC2, Scheffer GJ1, van den Brink GTWJ3, Postma CT1
1University Medical Centre St. Radboud, Nijmegen, 2Diakonessenhuis Utrecht, 3Hogeschool of Arnhem and Nijmegen
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