Parental rearing patterns are important factors affecting children’s development. In recent decades, China has experienced dramatic social changes in family structures, which may influence parental rearing patterns. This research aims to examine the birth cohort changes in parental rearing patterns as perceived by Chinese primary school students. To examine the birth cohort changes in parental rearing patterns as perceived by Chinese primary school students, a cross-temporal meta-analysis was conducted on 71 studies (79 data points, N = 22,415). The results showed that Chinese primary school students’ scores on the Egna Minnen Beträffande Uppfostran (EMBU) scale changed significantly from 1999 to 2017. Data-collection year was significantly positively correlated with paternal severe punishment, paternal rejection, maternal overprotection and excessive interference and significantly negatively correlated with maternal rejection and maternal emotional warmth. The d values of the eleven scale dimensions varied from −0.93 to 1.09, indicating that the r squared varied from 0 to 23%. Furthermore, boys perceived more severe punishment, excessive interference, and rejection from fathers than girls.