In light of the continued racism and oppression experienced by Black Americans in the United States, ethnic-racial socialization—explicit and implicit messages about the meaning and significance of race—remains a critical process among Black families. However, one aspect of the ethnic-racial socialization process about which there is limited research concerns the ways in which Black parenting couples navigate this process together. Building on our prior work exploring Black coparenting related to ethnic-racial socialization (Jones & Neblett,
2019), the purpose of this study was to explore whether distinct dyadic profiles of ethnic-racial socialization exist among Black couples. Using latent profile analysis of dyadic data from 59 Black mixed gender couples (42 married, 17 cohabiting), three patterns of Black couple socialization emerged.
Balanced and Higher (
N = 40) couples tended to have similar message delivered between mothers and fathers, with overall higher frequency. Among
Low Mother Egalitarian (
N = 15) couples, mothers were significantly less likely to deliver messages centering on equality among racial groups. Lastly,
High Mother Socialization (
N = 4) was characterized by mothers who reported greater racial pride and egalitarian messages relative to their male counterparts. In addition, sociodemographic and race-related correlates that distinguished these dyadic patterns were identified. Implications and future directions for supporting Black families in the ethnic-racial socialization process.