Previous research reported conflicting findings regarding the association of sociodemographic and clinical variables with expectations for surgical outcomes. The current study aimed to identify and characterize different subgroups of osteoarthritis patients with respect to amount and level of expectations, and to examine factors that are associated with expectations.
Hip and knee patients (n = 287) completed a questionnaire 1 week post consultation. Linear regression analyses were performed to examine whether sociodemographic (e.g., age, sex) and clinical factors (e.g., pain, function) were associated with expectations. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to identify different subgroups and the step 3 method was conducted to assess subgroup characteristics.
Mean age of patients was 70 years (SD = 8) and 57% of patients was female. Most improvement was expected in walking ability and pain relief. Higher expectations were associated with younger age, male sex, and functional disability. Both hip and knee patients could be classified into three subgroups. These subgroups differed significantly on pain and other symptoms, and functional disability.
Both hip and knee patients reported pain and other osteoarthritis symptoms and functional disability and consequently had high expectations in these areas for treatment outcomes. Higher expectations were characterized by more pain, more symptoms and more functional disability. These insights could guide physicians in the discussion of expectations during consultation.