Childhood chronic illness is associated with deleterious effects on caregivers’ mental health and children’s socio-emotional development. This study investigated the mediation role of caregivers’ mental health on the association between children’s chronic illness and internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems in a sample of low-SES Brazilian families. Participants comprised 111 primary caregivers of 113 children aged between 7 and 11 years. A sample of 57 caregivers of children with chronic illness and a comparison group of 54 caregivers of healthy children were assessed regarding the following variables: family SES (Hollingshead criteria); caregivers’ sleep disturbances (PSQI), common mental disorders symptoms (SRQ-20); stress (LISS); and children’s internalizing and externalizing problems (CBCL/6-18). The chronic illness group scored higher than the healthy group in all the assessed variables, with the exception of the externalizing problems variable. Moreover, caregivers’ mental health problems presented positive correlations with children’s behavior problems and negative correlations with family SES. Using SEM, mediation analyses revealed a unidimensional latent variable, caregiver mental health problems, which mediated the relationship between children’s chronic illness and their behavior problems. Children’s chronic illness was associated with higher levels of mental health problems in caregivers, which in turn was linked to children’s higher externalizing and internalizing problems. Psychosocial intervention and policies addressing caregivers’ mental health and financial support to low-income families may benefit the socio-emotional development of chronically ill children.