Survey development
Category | Statement | Qualifiers and examples | Round accepted | Agreed responses (%) |
Clinical performance/ skills | Demonstrates safe and effective scalpel skills | One | 19/22 (86.4) | |
Appropriate identification and implementation of infection control principles and procedures | Hand hygiene, PPE, safe use and disposal of sharps, aseptic techniques, management of waste and blood spills | Two | 18/18 (100) | |
Maintains appropriate consideration to workplace health and safety | In keeping with the setting requirements (e.g., within clinical or orthotic laboratory settings) | Two | 18/18 (100) | |
Maintains an evidence-based approach to assessment, diagnosis, management, and education of clients | I.e. demonstrates a knowledge of the evidence base for diagnostic modalities and applies this knowledge to patient treatment | Two | 18/18 (100) | |
Displays competent and targeted approaches for client assessment | Vascular, neurological, dermatological, biomechanical/anatomical assessment as directed by client presentation and/or student experience | Two | 18/18 (100) | |
Demonstrates clear and appropriate history taking | Includes recognition/understanding/interpretation of cultural, social, and medical factors, including pharmacological agent use and reports from other health professionals, that may impact health | Two | 18/18 (100) | |
Displays effective clinical reasoning | In the diagnosis (and differentials) including identifying and reporting of risk factors | Two | 18/18 (100) | |
Displays expected knowledge of foot and lower limb pathologies | Including their aetiologies and relevant anatomical structures | Two | 18/18 (100) | |
Uses best-practice guidelines where available | Uses established wound classification tools, conducts appropriate radiology referrals | Two | 17/18 (94.4) | |
Identifies and develops client focused intervention and/or management plans | Incorporating population-based requirements where relevant (e.g., paediatrics, high risk, culturally diverse groups etc.) and including client education | Two | 17/18 (94.4) | |
Communicates with and defines client goals | Includes clients in discussions | Two | 17/18 (94.4) | |
Demonstrates appropriate adaptability | Is able to monitor, evaluate and adapt intervention and management plans as required, including responding to adverse events | Two | 17/18 (94.4) | |
Demonstrates safe and efficient nail care | Relevant to experience level (e.g., surgical removal of ingrown toenails where relevant) | Two | 17/18 (94.4) | |
Demonstrates effective biomechanical assessment | Including gait analysis and footwear assessment | Two | 17/18 (94.4) | |
Works collaboratively | Conducts appropriate referral and/or works appropriately with other health professionals | Two | 16/18 (88.9) | |
Demonstrates safe and efficient wound management | Including identification and classification of wounds, safe debridement and offloading/dressing/ulcer management techniques | Two | 16/18 (88.9) | |
Demonstrates safe and competent manufacture and use of simple offloading devices | Such as padding and simple insoles | Two | 16/18 (88.9) | |
Demonstrates appropriate orthotic prescription (customised or prefabricated) | Appropriate foot morphology capture, manufacture, modification and fitting of devices | Two | 16/18 (88.9) | |
Ability to use credible sources of information | Electronic Monthly Index of Medical Specialties (eMIMS) or Australian Medicines Handbook (AMH) for pharmaceutical information | Three | 15/17 (88.2) | |
Competent treatment skills | Including but not limited to: use of exercise prescription, physical therapies, pharmaceuticals and medicaments, footwear, taping | Three | 13/17 (76.475) | |
Elements of Communication | Demonstrated note taking abilities | Has the ability to produce legible, accurate, structured and precise clinical documentation in written and/or electronic form incorporating all important information of history, diagnosis, assessment and plan | Two | 18/18 (100) |
Obtains consent | For treatment and including financial consent where relevant | Two | 18/18 (100) | |
Ability to clearly and appropriately communicate | Including questions regarding subjective history and outcomes of consultation, diagnosis, pathology and further investigations or management required with the client, incorporating a client centred care approach | Two | 17/18 (94.4) | |
Demonstrates culturally appropriate communication | Shows sensitive and safe communication style, considering language, health literacy and any other identified barriers (specifically as it relates to First Nation's Peoples, people with differing physical or cognitive ability, and those from culturally diverse backgrounds) | Two | 18/18 (100) | |
Ability to develop an appropriate referral letter, report or investigation request | This could be as simple as an x-ray referral or pathology request, up to a detailed referral to an orthopaedic surgeon | Two | 18/18 (100) | |
Ability to communicate appropriately with people involved in client care | Clear verbal, non-verbal or written communication with family/carers, supervisors, interprofessional teams, admin, peers etc., adapting terminology as required | Two | 17/18 (94.4) | |
Demonstrates appropriate verbal and/or written communication | An ability to communicate verbal and/or written education specific to clients’ needs | Two | 17/18 (94.4) | |
Clear setting and communication of client centred goals | Uses a goal setting approach to treatment, created in conjunction with the patient | Two | 16/18 (88.9) | |
Demonstrated proficient handover | Professional and competent written and verbal clinical handover (ISBAR) | Two | 16/18 (88.9) | |
An understanding of the legislative requirements of clinical documentation | I.e. confidentiality legislation, note-taking requirements, record retention requirements | Two | 15/18 (83.3) | |
Proficient in SOAP/E format | Correctly records information in the appropriate format and sections of the medical record | Two | 15/18 (83.3) | |
Demonstrated competency in rapport building | With patients, patients’ family/carers, colleagues and peers | Three | 16/17 (94.1) | |
Ability in eliciting client needs | Including conducting motivational interview and identify patient's emotional attachment to the presenting problem | Three | 14/17 (82.45) | |
An understanding of Telehealth and it's use | Including demonstrated understanding of limitations and appropriate interaction | Three | 12/17 (70.6) | |
Ability to communicate and participate in a group setting | Service meetings, patient education sessions | Three | 15/17 (88.2) | |
Demonstrated academic writing/presentations skills | Such as in-servicing for peers | Three | 13/17 (76.5) | |
Professional behaviour | Demonstrates professional and appropriate communications | With supervisors, peers and clients (including maintaining boundaries, respectful tone) | Two | 17/17 (100) |
Maintains an evidence-based approach to practice | Including critically appraising new evidence | Two | 17/17 (100) | |
Maintains a professional approach to practice | Including punctual attendance, time management and appropriate clothing and footwear choices (neat, tidy, relevant) | Two | 18/18 (100) | |
Demonstrates and acts in accordance with relevant legislation, professional standards and guidelines | Consent, infection control, confidentiality, workplace health safety and welfare | Two | 18/18 (100) | |
Demonstrates sound clinical reasoning | A wholistic understanding of elements and considerations for making a particular diagnosis | Two | 18/18 (100) | |
Practices in an ethical manner | Acting in the best interests of the patients, together with an understanding of ethical principles | Two | 17/18 (94.4) | |
Recognises own limitations and seeks assistance as required | This may be achieved through self-reflection or in a clinical context | Two | 17/18 (94.4) | |
Engages in self learning/development | Adopts self-reflection, seeks feedback, has enthusiasm and willingness for learning | Two | 17/18 (94.4) | |
Practices in a culturally safe manner | A demonstrated understanding and awareness of cultural safety, including the complex nature of working with translators | Two | 16/18 (88.9) | |
Maintains a person-centred approach | Specifically a patient-centred approach | Two | 15/18 (83.3) | |
Other elements | Interpreting diagnostic reports | Includes X-ray, ultrasound, pathology | Two | 17/18 (94.4) |
Ability to practice autonomously | Within their own capabilities and level of experience | Two | 16/18 (88.9) | |
Further comments | Some mistakes are expected from students as they are still learning, it is important to provide opportunities to learn from these mistakes | It’s important for students to recognise this as a learning opportunity and accept feedback on this, as well as for supervisors to be understanding of these mistakes | Two | 18/18 (100) |
Expectations from clinical supervisors should be in light of resources and patient groups available at placement sites | All experiences and consideration relevant to the presented opportunities | Two | 15/18 (83.3) |
Element | Statement | Round accepted | Agreed responses (%) |
Preferred grading or evaluation | Pass/Competent on non-graded elements (e.g., competencies, infection control, OHS and professional conduct) | Two | 15/18 (83.3) |
Ordinal scale (e.g., 0 to 5, 0 to 100) | Three | 13/17 (76.5) | |
Option for supervisor to defer judgement if insufficient observations | Three | 12/17 (70.6) | |
Minimal level of grading | Pass/Competent for non-graded elements | Two | 17/18 (94.4) |
Over the mid-point of a Likert-like scale | Three | 15/17 (88.2) |