In patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), personalised medicine is key to the secondary prevention of ischaemic and bleeding events. To provide an extensive overview of the quality of secondary prevention and of personalised medicine, a consortium in the southeastern region of the Netherlands has created a PCI registry: the South-East Netherlands Heart Registry (Zuid-Oost Nederland Hart Registratie, ZON-HR).
To visualise and improve personalised secondary prevention post-PCI, focussing on key elements such as antiplatelet treatment, cholesterol management and comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus.
Design and population
A prospective multicentre registry of all consecutive patients undergoing PCI at 4 participating PCI centres and 3 referral centres.
Interventional procedures and concomitant pharmaceutical treatment are performed in accordance with the guidelines. The ZON-HR promotes risk stratification after PCI using a simplified protocol for a personalised antiplatelet strategy.
Data collection and quality
Demographics, laboratory values, baseline procedural characteristics and pharmaceutical treatment data are collected. Outcomes include thromboembolic and bleeding complications and medication changes. Data are pseudonymised, and a clinical event committee will review 20% of the adverse events (randomly selected).
Strengths and weaknesses
This registry represents the entire PCI population and visualises gaps in secondary prevention. Weaknesses are the collection of outcomes and medication changes using mostly patient-reported outcomes.
The ZON-HR is a comprehensive PCI registry that provides baseline and follow-up data of a large PCI cohort in the southeastern region of the Netherlands. The ZON-HR aims to improve secondary prevention after PCI and augment personalised treatment that focusses on key elements of secondary prevention.