To appropriately route children with developmental disabilities to appropriate early interventions, those children must first be identified via developmental screening and/or developmental monitoring. Most early identification research emphasizes the relationship between developmental screening and Part C early intervention (EI) receipt for children birth to two. The relationship between developmental monitoring and service receipt is understudied, particularly for 3 to 5-year-old children are routed to Part B (619) early childhood special education services. Thus, this study used data from the National Surveys of Children’s Health (2007, 2012) to investigate the relationship between community-based health care providers (HCP) developmental screening and/or monitoring and the odds of early childhood special education receipt for preschool aged children (3 to 5). Across years, children whose HCP provided both developmental screening and monitoring, or developmental monitoring alone, had substantially greater odds of receiving special education compared to those who did not receive screening or monitoring. Receipt of developmental screening alone was associated with special education receipt in 2012, but not 2007. Developmental monitoring is understudied compared to developmental screening. Data presented here indicate that monitoring is associated with Part B 619 special education receipt and warrants further investigation to better understand how, with developmental screening, developmental monitoring might improve the identification of young children in need of 619 services. In particular, longitudinal analyses capturing data across systems, from screening and monitoring to assessment and service receipt, is needed to understand the effectiveness of monitoring for early identification and appropriate routing of children to relevant care systems.