Cross-informant discrepancies on reports of psychopathology can have detrimental consequences on the relationship between emerging adults and their parents. The current study utilized emerging adult reports of their own psychopathology and their perspective on their parent’s psychopathology as well as their parents’ reports of parental psychopathology and their perspective on the emerging adult’s psychopathology (measured using the Adult Self Report and Adult Behavior Checklist). Analyses were performed to further examine the associated between the discrepancies between emerging adult and parent reports of psychopathology on dyadic relationship qualities (i.e., affection, conflict, and satisfaction within the emerging adult-parent relationship). Emerging adults and their parents demonstrated significant differences in their reports of parental depression as well as emerging adult depression, anxiety, and antisocial personality problems. Furthermore, discrepancies on parental depression and antisocial problems and emerging adult depression were associated with differences on relationship qualities. Additional results and implications are discussed.