Two-dimensional stress echocardiography (DSE) has become a well-established stress modality for the detection of coronary artery disease (CAD).
1 However, the number of left ventricular cross sections and in particular variable image quality may limit this imaging modality. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) overcomes these limitations and in stress MRI studies superior results with respect to the diagnosis of CAD were reported.
2 More recently, the diagnostic accuracy of DSE has been improved by new developments such as second harmonic imaging,
3 contrast imaging
4 and three-dimensional imaging.
5 The optimal DSE test may include the use of all these new techniques in combination. In this article we show the imaging potentials of dobutamine stress real-time three-dimensional contrast-enhanced echocardiography (RT3DE), simulating a stress MRI study with respect to unlimited left ventricular cross sections and image quality. …