Sex researchers have primarily focused on first penile-vaginal sex and negative consequences. However, because sexual behaviors and attitudes change with age, sex-related consequences may also change. In this study, 275 college students reported on penile-vaginal sex-related consequences the prior day in 733 daily diaries across two or more semesters. Participants were primarily female (63%) and heterosexual (98%). The sample was racially and ethnically diverse, with 30% identifying as Hispanic and, of the non-Hispanic participants, 35% White, 24% Black/African American, 20% Asian-American/Alaskan Native, 2% American Indian, and 2% Hawaiian/Pacific Islander. During their first semester, participants were, on average, 18.4 years old (SD = 0.4). Latent class analysis identified three classes: High Positive (56%), Intimacy and Satisfaction Only (34%), and Moderate Positive With Health Concerns (10%). Over time, students were likely to transition out of the Moderate Positive With Health Concerns and High Positive classes, and into the Intimacy and Satisfaction Only class. The findings suggest that discussing protection from health concerns and positive aspects of sexuality may lead to better student engagement in safe sex programming.