It is a great honor to take over as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (JACP) for a number of reasons. First, JACP is the official journal of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (ISRCAP) and it has a long history of being a well-respected outlet for research on child and adolescent psychopathology throughout the world. Second, I will follow a line of editors who built JACP’s reputation, each of whom are scholars that I have admired and respected throughout my academic career. This line of succession started with Herb Quay, the founding editor of the journal, followed by Don Routh, Sue Campbell, John Lochman, and, most recently, Charlotte Johnston. Their editorships have without exception proven exemplary in promoting the mission of the journal and holding papers published to the highest scientific ideals. They will be tough acts to follow and I will strive to continue this unbroken chain of quality leadership.
1 Third, I have published 18 manuscripts in the journal since my first work was published here in 1995 (Hart et al.
1995) and I have served on the editorial board of JACP since 1998. Thus, JACP feels like a home journal for me and I welcome the chance to be a part of guiding its future. …