Occupational work hazards in workplaces in Nigeria have been disturbing issues among workers due to the harms and risks associated with them. These have exposed workers to stress and mixed feelings about their job demands, roles, and relationships. With that in mind, this study investigated the efficacy of rational career education intervention on occupational stress management in industrial hazard victims in institutions of learning. A pure-experimental design was employed for the study. A total of 80 technicians participated in the study. A dependent measure was used to assess the conditions at three points. Data collected were analyzed using a multivariance statistical analysis. The result showed that technical workers in the experimental group that received the intervention had a significant reduction in their OS after the intervention and at the follow-up, phase compared to their counterparts in the control group. The finding of this study has shown that the intervention is significant in helping technical workers in technical colleges reduce their OS. With these findings, this study concludes that rational emotive career counselling programme is an effective intervention for technical workers with occupational stress, therefore, occupational therapists in industries should recommend this for their clients.