The pediatric Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Perceived Cognitive Function (pedsFACIT-PCF) is a 13-item short-form derived from the pediatric Perceived Cognitive Function item bank (pedsPCF), which was developed to measure children’s daily cognitive behaviors and was validated on the US general population and children with cancer. This study evaluated the psychometric properties of Spanish language pedsFACIT-PCF and the measurement equivalence between Spanish and English versions.
pedsFACIT-PCF items were translated into Spanish using a standard iterative methodology. A total of 1358 English- and 604 Spanish-speaking children aged 8–17 years who completed English and Spanish versions of pedsFACIT-PCF, respectively, were administered through an Internet survey company. Unidimensionality was evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis. Item responses were modeled using item response theory. The presence and impact of differential item functioning (DIF) were evaluated using ordinal logistic regression.
Unidimensionality of the pedsFACIT-PCF was supported. One of the 13 items demonstrated statistically significant DIF by language; however, impacts of language DIF on both individual scores and at the test level were negligible. No Spanish items showed DIF with respect to age and gender.
The 13-item pedsFACIT-PCF demonstrated stable measurement properties on language, gender and age and can be used for future trials.