Unconditional self-acceptance may be described as the ability of individuals to accept themselves, regardless of personal flaws, life achievements, being praised, valued or accepted by others. It reflects an ability to be truly in touch with oneself. However, cultural adaptation of this instrument to European Portuguese is lacking. This study describes a psychometric analysis of the Unconditional Self-Acceptance Questionnaire-Revised (USAQ-R) in a Portuguese sample of university students. In a cross-sectional correlational design, 426 undergraduate students (M = 20.6 years, SD = 5.07, Male = 63; Female = 363) were assessed using self-report questionnaires. Psychometric Properties were explored with an Exploratory Factor Analysis and Pearson correlations. A two-factor solution was extracted KMO = .825 and BS [x2 = 2134,883 (190), p < .001]). Unconditional Acceptance, correlated negatively with symptomatology, while Conditional Acceptance correlated positively with psychopathological symptoms assessed using the Brief Symptoms Inventory’s (BSI-53). Preliminary results suggest adequate USAQ-R properties in the Portuguese population. However, more research is required to explore the USAQ-R properties in other samples.