Since the end of the industrial revolution, advances in public health and clinical medicine have contributed to dramatic decreases in infant and childhood mortality, improvements in health-related quality of life (HRQoL), increases in overall life expectancy (LE), and rectangularization of survival curves.
In this article, we focus on disability that has occurred with the overall lengthening of LE in many populations and the implications this has for decreased HRQoL.
We utilize the concept of rectangularization of population survival to depict the rising prevalence of disability associated with increased LE, especially among racial and ethnic minorities and people of low socioeconomic status (SES) and relate this to HRQoL.
Disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) and healthy life expectancy (HLE) are defined in terms of HRQoL. Specific attention is focused on disability experienced by disparate populations around the globe. By focusing on disparities in DFLE, and the need to expand LE to include HLE as a central component of HRQoL, this work provides an important counterpoint to the attention that has been paid to LE disparities according to race, gender, ethnicity, education, and SES.
By calling attention to those factors that appear to be the most important drivers of the differences in quality and length of DFLE between different groups (i.e., the components of the social gradient, exposure to chronic stress, systemic inflammation, and the psychological and biological mechanisms associated with the gut–brain axis) and, by logical extension, HRQoL, we hope to promote research in this arena with the ultimate goal of improving DFLE, HLE, and overall HRQoL, especially in disparate populations around the globe.