The present study tested a model of mindfulness and its relationships with personal recovery of people with mental illness. It was hypothesized that mindfulness would be positively related to personal recovery through increased self-compassion, valued living, and reduced psychological inflexibility.
One hundred and fifty-three people with mental illness completed questionnaires including measures of demographics, mindfulness, psychological inflexibility, self-compassion, valued living, and personal recovery.
Results suggested that mindfulness is related to personal recovery through increased self-warmth (indirect effect = .04, SEaXb = .02, CI: .00 to .09), valued living (indirect effect = .06, SEaXb = .03, CI: .01 to .12), and reduced psychological inflexibility (indirect effect = .26, SEaXb = .06, CI: .14 to .39).
These findings suggested that mindfulness may be a vital ingredient in promoting personal recovery and that it exerts effects on personal recovery through these specific recovery-conducive qualities among people with mental illness. Implications of this model of mindfulness were discussed.