The number of patients with depressive disordered globally increased and affects people of all ages and countries and has a significant and negative impact on the quality of life (QoL). Depression if left untreated may lead to severe consequences. However, there are several types of effective treatments, but often patients need support from health staff to find suitable treatments. This study aims to examine the global trend of the publications as well as the development of interventions for depressing treatment.
We download and analyzed 15,976 scientific research from the Web of Science from 1990 to 2018. A text mining based on Latent Dirichlet and terms’ co-occurrence in titles and abstracts to identify hidden research topics and research landscapes.
We found that the number of papers related to non-pharmacological treatment (such as cognitive-behavioral, mindfulness, or family and social support) to improve the QoL of patients with depression has increased. The number of papers on this serious health issue in low–middle income countries (LMICs) was not as high as in high-income countries (HICs).
It is necessary to increase support of the treatment of depression in LMICs as well as applied non-pharmacological interventions to patients with depression.