To describe the physical, cognitive, psychological, and medical status of nursing home residents in Jordan. We also investigated the perceived health-related quality of life of this population.
A sample of 221 nursing home residents in Jordan was recruited to participate in this study. Demographic variables and medical history were collected. In addition, all participants were assessed using health-related quality of life items (HRQOL), mini-mental state examination (MMSE), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Tinetti assessment battery for gait and balance (TAB), and disability of arm, shoulder, and hand assessment (DASH).
TAB and DASH scores were related to the following HRQOL items: self-reported general health status, the need for personal care, the need for help from others in handling routine needs, the number of days of pain, feeling sad, depressed, worried, and not getting enough sleep, and the number of days feeling very healthy and full of energy. MMSE scores were related to self-reported need for personal care, the need for help from others in handling daily routine needs, and the number of days feeling pain, sad, worried, and depressed. GDS scores were related to self-reported general health status, the need for personal care, the need for help from others for handling daily routine needs, the number of pain, sad, worried, and not getting enough sleep days, and the number of days feeling healthy and full of energy.
This study revealed a substantial impact of physical, cognitive, and psychological disabilities on HRQOL of nursing home residents in Jordan