Disruptive behaviors in childhood yield negative mental health outcomes. Both behavioral management and emotion coaching parenting programs were effective in reducing children’s disruptive behaviors. This randomized control trial (RCT) study evaluated the effectiveness of a community clinic-based, parent training program that incorporated emotion coaching into behavioral training (BPEC) for 119 parents who expressed difficulty in handling their elementary school-aged children’s disruptive behaviors. These parents were randomly assigned to the treatment group or waitlist control. Pre-tests, post-tests, and 3-month delayed post-tests were administered. Compared to those in the waitlist control group, participants in the BPEC group reported significantly (a) fewer child oppositional behaviors and ADHD symptoms and (b) more positive aspects of the parent-child relationship. Significant short-term effects were maintained after 3-month for parent-reported, child oppositional behaviors. Thus, BPEC effectively reduced the disruptive behaviors of children.