We investigated the interaction effects between mother’s lifetime depressive/anxiety disorders and psychosocial correlates of 6 to 11 year-old children’s self-reported externalizing symptoms in the Quebec Child Mental Health Survey. A representative subsample of 1,490 Quebec children aged 6 to 11 years was selected from the original sample. We conducted multiple linear regression analyses using externalizing symptoms as reported by children through the Dominic questionnaire and multiple child, family and socioeconomic characteristics. Two variables interacted significantly with mother’s lifetime depressive/anxiety disorders to predict 6 to 11 year-old children’s self-reported externalizing symptoms: physical/sexual abuse and mother’s caring behaviours. Results underline the main contribution of mother-child relationship and stressful events in the association between mother’s lifetime depressive/anxiety disorders and children’s externalizing symptoms. It is suggested to develop preventive intervention programs oriented towards children of lifetime depressed/anxious parents who also report parent-child relational difficulties.