A central requirement of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) consists of difficulties with interpersonal relationships. As emerging adults’ transition into adulthood and seek more autonomy from parents, it is important to examine how ODD problems and parent-child discord are indirectly associated through interpersonal competencies. The current study examined the indirect effects between ODD problems in emerging adults and parent-child discord through multiple interpersonal competencies as well as the additional differences among parent-child gender dyads. Emerging adults (N = 599 individuals aged 18 to 25 years; M = 19.60, SD = 1.40; 68% females) were recruited via an online research platform and completed online survey measures of ODD problems, parent-child relationship discord, and interpersonal competence. Indirect effects were significant for the mother-daughter dyad only. Additional results, limitations, and implications are discussed.