Low- and middle-income countries face a disproportionate burden of death and disability from injuries, many of which are due to road traffic accidents or falls. Lower extremity injuries in particular have implications not only for physical disabilities affecting work and school performance, but also for quality of life (QOL) of the individual. This qualitative study explores the psychosocial impact and QOL changes due to lower extremity injuries among trauma patients in central Malawi.
We transcribed and translated interviews with 20 patients who received care for a trauma to the lower extremity at a tertiary hospital in Lilongwe. We used NVivo to organize and thematically analyze the data.
Participants reported limitations in physical functioning, activities of daily living, social roles, and vocational and social activities. Limited mobility led to unplanned long-term disruptions in work, personal financial loss, and household economic hardship. As a result, psychological distress, fears and worries about recovery, and poor perceptions of health and QOL were common. Several contextual factors influenced patient outcomes including socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, social networks, local landscape, housing structures, and transportation accessibility.
Lower extremity trauma led to physical suffering and ongoing social and economic costs among Malawians. Injuries affecting mobility have broad QOL and economic consequences for patients and affected family members. Interventions are needed to improve post-injury recovery and QOL. Better access to trauma surgery and social and welfare support services for people living with disabling conditions are needed to alleviate the consequences of injuries.