- Editors:
Michael F. Mascolo
Department of Psychology, Merrimack College, North Andover, USA
Sharon Griffin
Frances L. Hiatt School of Psychology, Clark University, Worcester, USA
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About this book
The problem of development is central in the study of emotional life for two basic reasons. First, emotional life so clearly changes (dramatically in the early years) with new emotional reactions emerging against the backdrop of an increasing sensitivity to context and with self-regulation of emotion emerging from a striking dependence on regulatory assistance from caregivers. Such changes demand developmental analysis. At the same time, understanding such profound changes will surely inform our understanding of the nature of development more generally. The complexity of emotional change, when grasped, will reveal the elusive nature of development itself. At the outset, we know that development is complex. We must take seriously what is present at any given phase, including the newborn period, because a developmental analysis disallows something emerging from noth ing. Still, it is equally nondevelopmental to posit that new forms of new processes were simply present in their precursors. Rather, development is characterized by transformations in which more complex structures and organization "emerge" from new integration of prior components and new capacities. These new forms and organizations cannot be specified from prior conditions but are due to transactions of the evolving organism with its environment over time. They are not simply in the genome, and they are not simply conditioned by the environment. They are the result of the develop mental process.
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Table of contents (13 chapters)
- Sharon Griffin, Michael F. Mascolo
Pages 3-27
Biological and Differential Emotions Perspectives
- Jaak Panksepp, Brian Knutson, Douglas L. Pruitt
Pages 53-84
- Brian P. Ackerman, Jo Ann A. Abe, Carroll E. Izard
Pages 85-106
Functionalist Perspectives
Front Matter
Pages 107-107
- Terrance Brown, Arnold Kozak
Pages 135-155
Systems Perspectives
Front Matter
Pages 157-157
- Marc D. Lewis, Lori Douglas
Pages 159-188
- Michael F. Mascolo, Debra Harkins
Pages 189-217
- Michael F. Mascolo, Sharon Griffin
Pages 219-249
Social and Cultural Perspectives
Front Matter
Pages 251-251
- K. Laurie Dickson, Alan Fogel, Daniel Messinger
Pages 253-271
- Nico H. Frijda, Batja Mesquita
Pages 273-295
- James C. Mancuso, Theodore R. Sarbin
Pages 297-316
Conclusion and Integration
Front Matter
Pages 317-317
- Michael F. Mascolo, Sharon Griffin
Pages 319-340
Editors and Affiliations
Department of Psychology, Merrimack College, North Andover, USA
Michael F. Mascolo
Frances L. Hiatt School of Psychology, Clark University, Worcester, USA
Sharon Griffin