In two experiments, we studied intermanual interactions in bimanual reversal movements and bimanual aiming movements. Targets were presented on a monitor or directly on the table on which the movements were produced. Amplitudes for each hand were cued symbolically or spatially either in advance of an imperative signal or simultaneous with it. In contrast to findings of Diedrichsen et al. (Psychological Science, 12, 493–498, 2001), reaction times for different-amplitude movements were longer than for same-amplitude movements both for symbolic and spatial cues presented on the monitor and directly on the table. However, with symbolic cues the effect of the relation between target amplitudes was considerably stronger than with spatial cues, no matter where the cues were presented. Intermanual correlations of amplitudes, movement times, and reaction times were smaller with different than with same target amplitudes, and this modulation was more pronounced when targets and cues were presented on the monitor than when they were presented on the table. The findings are taken to suggest that the basic reaction-time disadvantage of different-amplitude movements results from interference between concurrent processes of amplitude specification. Additional factors like interference between concurrent processes of mapping cues on movement characteristics may add strongly to it.