So far, results on the dimensionality of the Young Schema-Questionnaire (YSQ) were based on exploratory factor analysis. In this study, confirmatory techniques were used to investigate the latent structure of the YSQ and its measurement invariance across a Dutch clinical (n = 172) and non-clinical (n = 162) sample. Data support the 16 factor structure as originally hypothesized by Young (Young, J. E. (1994). Cognitive therapy for personality disorders: A schema-focused approach (Rev. ed.). Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press), including Social Undesirability, which did not appear as a separate factor in earlier studies. Furthermore, results suggest factorial similarity across both samples. Best fit was found for a model in which inter-factor correlations and factor loadings were specified as invariant across samples while error variances were allowed to vary. An additional finding was that the YSQ can be split into two parallel parts. Parallel tests represent the same underlying constructs, and share identical psychometric properties, but contain different items. Their utilization could be highly profitable for research and clinical practice.