This paper looks at the association between gender dysphoria (GD), scores on the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS), and reported diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Parents of 166 young people presenting with GD (Mean age = 14.26, SD = 2.68) completed the SRS. Information concerning an ASD diagnosis was also extracted from the patient files. 45.8 % fell within the normal range on the SRS and of those 2.8 % had an ASD diagnosis. 27.1 % fell within the mild/moderate range and of those 15.6 % had an ASD diagnosis and 6.7 % an ASD query. 27.1 % fell within the severe range and of those 24.4 % had an ASD diagnosis and 26.7 % an ASD query. No difference was found in autistic features between the natal females and males.