A central construct within the positive psychology literature is life satisfaction. Whereas adult life satisfaction has been studied extensively, the life satisfaction of children and adolescents has only received attention more recently. This article provides a review of the extant research on youth life satisfaction. Empirical studies (n = 141) on life satisfaction among youth are reviewed. The review details how life satisfaction among youth relates to various other important emotional, social, and behavioural constructs. Evidenced by the review are the conditions that foster positive life satisfaction and the implications of positive life satisfaction among youth. Future directions in life satisfaction research among youth are briefly discussed.

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Proctor, C.L., Linley, P.A. & Maltby, J. Youth Life Satisfaction: A Review of the Literature. J Happiness Stud 10, 583–630 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-008-9110-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-008-9110-9