Research indicates that parents’ solicitation and adolescents’ disclosure of information are negatively associated with adjustment problems (depressive symptoms and conduct problems). However, few studies examine the bidirectional associations between these variables with early adolescents in the United States or the race/ethnic group differences in these bidirectional associations. We examined cross-lagged associations and race/ethnic group differences between parents’ solicitation, adolescents’ disclosure and adjustment problems among 209 non-Hispanic White (61.2%) and Hispanic (38.8%) early adolescents (67.5% female) across a 1-year period. The findings indicated that adolescents’ disclosure was negatively associated with subsequent depressive symptoms, while parents’ solicitation was positively associated with subsequent depressive symptoms. No significant race/ethnic group differences were indicated. Family-based interventions should encourage adolescents to disclose information to parent(s) due to its promotive capabilities.