The general goal of this study consists of analyzing the influence of different types of human services in the quality of life of their nested users. Several multilevel models were proposed to test for significant differences not only in the overall quality of life score, but also in each of the eight core domains. Participants included 11,624 users of social and human services and the assessment quality of life instrument was the GENCAT Scale. Variables that were studied in the different models were gender, age, and diagnostic group (elderly, intellectual disability, physical disability, mental health problems, and chemical dependency) at the individual user level (level 1: individual), while type of services—in terms of the main population addressed by their supports (i.e. the aforementioned groups)—was studied at service level (level 2: organizational). In order to explain differences, individual characteristics were introduced first, types of services were introduced next, and finally joint individual and service variables were introduced in a single model. The main results of this study were that personal and organizational variables exhibited a different level of influence on users’ quality of life; and also that the type of services significantly influenced the quality of life of its users. The results of this study lead to practical implications for services providing support to these diagnostic groups, especially for those interested in managing, assessing, and improving quality of life related personal outcomes at the user level as well as quality enhancement at the organizational level.

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Catalan Welfare and Social Services Institute (ICASS, Generalitat of Catalonia) together with the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (R&D Projects, 2012) (PSI2012-33139) (PSI2012-36278) have funded this work.
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Gómez, L.E., Peña, E., Arias, B. et al. Impact of Individual and Organizational Variables on Quality of Life. Soc Indic Res 125, 649–664 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-014-0857-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-014-0857-6