This pilot study aims to investigate whether a novel mind–body intervention, Mindfulness Based Tinnitus Stress Reduction (MBTSR), may be a beneficial treatment for chronic tinnitus. Eight tinnitus patients who had previously received Tinnitus Counseling (standard of care) at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Audiology Clinic participated in the MBTSR program. The program included 8 weeks of group instruction on mindfulness practice, a 1-day retreat, supplementary readings, and home-based practice using meditation CDs. Using a pre–post intervention design, mean differences (paired t-tests) were calculated. Benefits were measured by a reduction in clinical symptoms, if present, and a tinnitus symptom perception shift. Tinnitus symptom activity and discomfort as well as psychological outcomes were assessed by self-report questionnaires. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered. Results indicate that Effect Sizes, if supported by a larger study, may be clinically significant and demonstrate a substantial decrease for items measuring perceived annoyance and perception of handicap of tinnitus. Change scores on study measures all moved in the hypothesized direction, with the exception of negligible change found for the Acting with Awareness (d = −0.05) factor of mindfulness. This pilot study provides preliminary evidence that an 8-week MBTSR program may be an effective intervention for treating chronic tinnitus and its comorbid symptoms, and may help reduce depression and phobic anxiety while improving social functioning and overall mental health. These promising findings warrant further investigation with a randomized controlled trial.