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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter June 8, 2013

Arts-Based Learning: Analysis of the Concept for Nursing Education

  • Kendra L. Rieger EMAIL logo and Wanda M. Chernomas


Teaching and learning strategies are needed to support learner-centered curricula, and prepare nurses who are capable of working in today’s challenging health care environments. Although the traditional lecture is still widely used in nursing education, innovative approaches are needed to encourage discussion, debate, and critical reflection, activities that support lifelong learning. Arts-based learning [ABL] is a creative strategy with the potential to engage learners, foster understanding of multiple perspectives, and simultaneously connect cognitive and affective domains of learning. Walker and Avant’s method of concept analysis is applied to examine the uses of ABL in the literature, define the attributes, distinguish the antecedents and consequences, identify model and other cases, and determine empirical referents of this concept. This analysis is presented to facilitate the conceptual understanding of ABL for use in research and nursing education.


Thanks to Dr. Diana McMillan for guidance with an earlier version of this paper.


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