본 연구는 유아의 사회정서능력과 배려행동이 유아교육기관적응에 미치는 영향력을 알아보고, 사회정서능력이 배려행동을 매개하여 교육기관적응에 영향을 미치는 연구모형을 설정하여 사회정서능력과 교육기관적응의 관계에서 배려행동의 매개효과를 검증하고자 하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 P시에 위치한 5곳의 유아교육기관에 재원중인 만 4, 5세 유아 223명을 대상으로, 해당 학급의 교사를 통해 유아의 사회정서능력, 배려행동, 교육기관적응을 측정하였다. SPSS 23.0 프로그램과 SPSS PROCESS Macro 3.0 프로그램을 사용하여 자료를 분석한 결과 첫째, 유아의 사회정서능력과 배려행동, 유아교육기관적응의 모든 하위요인들은 유의미한 정적 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 사회정서능력의 교사 상호작용 요인을 제외한 모든 하위요인과 배려행동의 다양성존중 요인을 제외한 모든 하위요인들은 유아교육기관적응을 유의하게 예측하고 있었다. 셋째, 유아 배려행동의 간접효과 유의성을 검증한 결과, 사회정서능력과 교육기관적응의 관계에서 자기배려, 타인배려, 자연배려 요인의 매개효과는 유의하였으며, 다양성존중 요인의 매개효과는 유의하지 않았다.
This study is to investigate the correlation of social-emotional competence, caring behavior, and adjustment at early childhood education institute in young children and the mediating effect of caring behavior on the relationship between social-emotional competence and adjustment. Subjects were 223 young children in early childhood institutes in P city, who agreed to participate in the study. For data analysis, SPSS 23.0 program and SPSS PROCESS Macro version 3.0 program were used to examine reliability of major study tool, normality of collected data, Pearson’s correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and the indirect effect by bootstrapping method. The results were as following. First, there were significant positive relationships among social-emotional competence, caring behavior, and adjustment at early childhood education institute in young children. Second, social-emotional competence and caring behavior of young children were important factors for predicting adjustment at early childhood education institute, but the teacher-children interaction variable and the respect for differences variable did not predict the young children’s adjustment. Third, caring behavior had a mediating effect on the relationship between social-emotional competence and young children’s adjustment.
This study is to investigate the correlation of social-emotional competence, caring behavior, and adjustment at early childhood education institute in young children and the mediating effect of caring behavior on the relationship between social-emotional competence and adjustment. Subjects were 223 young children in early childhood institutes in P city, who agreed to participate in the study. For data analysis, SPSS 23.0 program and SPSS PROCESS Macro version 3.0 program were used to examine reliability of major study tool, normality of collected data, Pearson’s correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and the indirect effect by bootstrapping method. The results were as following. First, there were significant positive relationships among social-emotional competence, caring behavior, and adjustment at early childhood education institute in young children. Second, social-emotional competence and caring behavior of young children were important factors for predicting adjustment at early childhood education institute, but the teacher-children interaction variable and the respect for differences variable did not predict the young children’s adjustment. Third, caring behavior had a mediating effect on the relationship between social-emotional competence and young children’s adjustment.