It has been found that a spatial cue in perception causes benefits through target facilitation at low external noise but noise reduction at high external noise. Assuming that mnemonic attention is similar to perceptual attention, we propose that how a spatial retro-cue is used depends on internal noise. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated internal noise with memory load. We focused on questioning whether/why there was a difference between peripheral and central retro-cues at low or high internal noise. In Experiments 1 and 2, we consistently found that peripheral retro-cues were more effective than central retro-cues at low internal noise. Results from Experiments 3–5 showed that this difference was due to a voluntary process of target facilitation, which happened much earlier on peripheral than central retro-cue trials. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis and indicated that mnemonic attention and perceptual attention could be incorporated into one framework. Nevertheless, spatial retro-cues, including peripheral ones, relied on voluntary control to become effective, different from peripheral cues in perception. To conclude, our findings suggest that the effects of spatial cues on memory and perception are similar but not identical.