Inter-rater agreement for symptom impairment associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) varies between parents and children. However, extraneous variables that may influence these agreement differences have scarcely been examined. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to examine moderators of parent and child agreement on ratings of overall OCD-related impairment and impairment across three domains (i.e., school, social, home) as measured by the Children’s OCD Impact Scale–Child and Parent versions (COIS-C/P). One hundred sixty-six children with OCD and their parents completed ratings of symptom severity, impairment, and demographics, among other measures, prior to psychosocial treatment initiation. Overall parent–child agreement of impairment was in the moderate range. Age, OCD symptom severity, resistance and control, obsession and compulsion severity, and insight emerged as moderator variables, with the direction of moderation varying by domain. Results, implications, and study limitations are discussed.