As behavioral and cognitive psychotherapy traditions increasingly incorporate mindfulness concepts and practices, it is important to notice changes occurring in the cross-cultural translation of the ideas and practices from their Buddhist origins. The current study explored this issue utilizing a qualitative research method to collect data from seven “information-rich” participants. These participants were psychotherapists with long-term mindfulness practices; all integrating mindfulness into their psychotherapy work. They had, on average, 31 years of mindfulness meditation practice as a component of a larger spiritual practice. Participants were interviewed about their mindfulness practices, their therapeutic work, and their perspectives on how mindfulness in their spirituality-based meditation practices differs from and informs their psychotherapy work. A review of findings is presented as well as in-depth exploration of a selected meta-theme; participants all, at times, demonstrated a non-dualistic worldview and discussed the ideas of relative and ultimate reality. These views affected their use of language and contributed to the presence of dialectical and paradoxical responses. These concepts are important to consider as the development of therapist training in mindfulness-based treatment delivery evolves.