This study examined the association between parent and child reported posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and parenting stress as well as parent posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), parent depression and child PTSS as predictors of parenting stress. Forty-three children ages 8–12 years and their parents/guardians participated. Semi-structured interviews occurred independently with parents and children about child PTSS. Parents completed a self-report parenting stress measure and participated in interviews about their PTSD and depression. There was a moderate association between parent and child reported PTSS, and there was a stronger association between parent-reported PTSS and parenting stress than child-reported PTSS. Parent depression and parent-reported PTSS predicted parenting distress; whereas parent-reported PTSS predicted parenting stress related to parent–child dysfunctional interaction and difficult child behavior. Results suggest clinicians working with children exposed to trauma need to assess both parent and child reports of child PTSS, as well as parent symptomology and parenting stress.