During early adolescence, parental influence diminishes, whereas friends’ influence increases in shaping emotion regulation abilities. However, it is unclear how parents and friends jointly contribute to emotion regulation abilities and how their joint effects vary by gender. This study examines fathers, mothers, and friends as simultaneous emotional socializers and considers the young adolescents’ gender. The analysis drew on 438 young Chinese adolescents (55.7% girls, Mage = 11.39, SD = 1.28) who participated in a longitudinal survey over one year. Results showed that parental and friend emotion socialization have both distinct and joint effects. Friends’ responses provided a unique contribution to emotion regulation abilities across gender, whereas parents’ responses displayed unique contributions among girls. In predicting girls’ emotion regulation abilities, mothers’ supportive responses explained the additional variance beyond friends’ responses, whereas fathers’ unsupportive responses moderated the predictive power of friends’ responses. These findings clarify emotion-related socialization theories and emphasize the importance of gender specific prevention programs focusing on emotion socialization from both parents and friends in early adolescence.