Trait negative affectivity and trait extraversion/positive affectivity are predictive of both responses to affect and depressive symptoms in adolescence. Furthermore, differences in the use of responses to affect are associated with different levels of depressive symptoms. Despite the central role of media content in adolescents’ daily lives, responses to affect have not yet been extended to affect in this media content. It is thus unclear whether trait affectivity is predictive of responses to affective media content, and whether such media response styles are predictive of depressive symptoms. A 3-wave longitudinal panel study with 3-month intervals among 318 adolescents (Mage = 16.5 years, SDage = 1.11, 72.5% boys) investigated the mediating role of media response styles in associations between trait affectivity and depressive symptoms. Trait negative affectivity predicted media rumination and media dampening, yet only media rumination predicted greater levels of depressive symptoms over time. Trait positive affectivity was associated with concurrent media distraction and media-enhancing. The media response styles did not mediate the associations between trait affectivity and depressive symptoms over time. These findings suggest that individuals higher in trait negative affectivity tend to engage in maladaptive emotion regulation strategies during sad media content consumption, whereas adolescents higher in trait positive affectivity turn to more adaptive strategies during sad or happy media content consumption. Yet, media response styles are not robustly associated with depressive symptoms over time.