Emotional awareness (EA) and access to emotion regulation strategies (ER) are often conceptualized as being on a single continuum, yet discrepancies in these associations are found across samples. We conducted a person-centered analysis to identify distinct profiles of adolescents’ perceived EA and ER. Secondary analyses were conducted to compare demographic variables, distress tolerance, and parent- and teacher-report emotional functioning across profiles. Participants (N = 414) completed two subscales of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale and a behavioral measure of distress tolerance. A parent and teacher completed the Emotion Regulation Checklist. Adolescent mental health symptoms were measured, with responses dichotomized based on adolescent- and/or parent-report of clinically significant symptoms of any disorder. Exploratory two-step cluster analysis identified three clusters: Varied EA/Low ER, Low EA/High ER, and High EA/High ER. Gender differences emerged, with a greater proportion of girls in the Varied EA/Low ER cluster and boys in the Low EA/High ER cluster. The Varied EA/Low ER and Low EA/High ER clusters demonstrated greater mental health symptoms, and greater parent- and teacher-reported negativity/lability and problems with emotion regulation, than adolescents in the High EA/High ER cluster. The Low EA/High ER cluster tolerated less distress on the behavioral task than the Varied EA/Low ER or High EA/High ER clusters, which suggests problems with emotional awareness may contribute to inaccurate self-evaluation of one’s related emotional abilities. A person-centered approach was useful in identifying patterns of adolescent perceptions of strengths and difficulties in emotional development and their associations with other-report and performance on a behavioral task.