The purpose of this study was to qualitatively assess the implementation of the Triple P program in Chile from the perspective of users. The design consisted of three focus groups with a total of 34 parents as participants. The information collected was analyzed according to the principles of grounded theory. The main findings from the qualitative analysis were that parents consider that their participation helped them improve their parenting skills, improve communication among caregivers, and decrease parental stress. In turn, they reported positive changes in the behavior of their children and showed a paradigm shift regarding parenting. It is concluded that from the parents’ perspective the program objectives were met, which coincides with the results of the quantitative evaluation. The Triple P program seems to respond to the needs of Chilean parents and its implementation could help reduce maltreatment and improve mental health of children and their parents. It is necessary to generate more research on the implementation of Triple P in Chile and to adjust the program to this context.