Basic personality traits and clinical personality disorders have been studied in the context of a wide range of behaviors, including antisocial behavior and aggression. Although the five-factor model (FFM) has been examined in relation to several types of non-partner aggression, relatively few studies have assessed the relations between FFM traits and intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration. Additionally, no studies have directly compared these types of aggression in terms of their personality trait profiles despite some evidence that their trait profiles may differ. In the present study, a total of 307 participants, recruited from Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), completed a number of questionnaires assessing personality traits, PD symptoms, and various types of aggressive and antisocial behavior. Findings suggest that traits related to Agreeableness and Conscientiousness generally demonstrated the strongest and most consistent (negative) relations across all measures of aggression and antisocial behavior; however, Neuroticism-related traits also demonstrated moderate (positive) correlations with certain types of aggression. Consistent with previous literature, symptoms of almost every PD predicted aggressive and antisocial behavior. Although ASPD and BPD were two of the most robust PD symptom correlates across aggression and antisocial behavior outcomes, they were not always the strongest PD symptom correlate for each behavior. Personality profiles were moderately similar across aggression subtypes, but some showed more convergence than others. The findings suggest potential points of overlap for the individual differences that contribute to various types of aggression, while also highlighting ways in which IPV may be a more reactive form of aggression characterized by neuroticism-related traits.