This study examined profiles of clinic-referred youth with co-morbid oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and anxiety disorders (ADs) compared to youth with ODD without ADs. One hundred and twenty seven clinic-referred youth with ODD (ages 7–14, 85.6 % Caucasian) were assessed through a multi-method, multi-informant approach. Global functioning, ODD symptom impairment, child internalizing symptoms, caregiver distress, and parent-child relationship quality were explored to test group differences based on AD diagnosis. Youth with ODD and comorbid ADs generally had higher levels of global impairment, internalizing symptoms, caregiver distress, and parent-child relationship problems as compared to youth with ODD only. These findings, which generally suggest greater impairment in the group of youth with ODD/AD, offer support for the presence of distinct clinical features in youth with ODD/AD compared to youth with ODD alone. Such findings may have important implications for assessment and treatment of ODD in youth. For example, interventions to target broader child internalizing symptoms, caregiver distress, and parent-child relationships may be particularly important in youth with ODD/AD profiles.