Dual involvement with the mental health system and justice system is relatively frequent for young adults with mental health problems, yet the research on factors predictive of dual involvement is incomplete. This study extends past research on predictors of criminal charges for people in the public mental health system in four ways. First, this study expands the longitudinal study period to include the time of transition to adulthood, from 16 to 25 years of age. Second, this study separately predicts specific types of criminal charges, including violent, property, drug, and nuisance charges. Third, this study examines whether residential treatment or inpatient hospitalization are predictive of criminal charges. Fourth, this study stratifies prediction by gender. Findings indicated high levels of dual involvement during this time period. In general, males and people diagnosed with substance use disorder or conduct disorder were more likely to have a criminal charge. Other predictors of specific criminal charges varied by gender. Residential treatment, inpatient hospitalization, and anxiety disorder were generally not related to criminal charges. Implications for cross-system collaboration and early intervention are discussed.